Women make up 55% of registered voters in Louisiana, yet only make up 18% of the Louisiana Legislature.

Lead’s mission is to change that.

You can be a PTA mom and an elected official.


Our Mission

Engage center-right women in politics.

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Our Vision

Increase the number of center-right women elected or appointed to leadership positions in Louisiana.

We can’t be what we can’t see.

August 20, 2020 - Louisiana Women Lead (Lead) was awarded a New Development Cohort grant from Women’s Public Leadership Network (WPLN) as part of a new grant program designed to support state-based organizations that educate, organize, and inspire women to enter public office.

“For far too long, especially at the state capitol, a tremendous gap has existed when it comes to the number of women elected to office and serving in positions of leadership. Our state is in desperate need of a pipeline of more center-right, business-minded women on the local, state, and national levels engaged in fiscal policy discussions.  Lead’s goal is to ensure that more women claim their seat at the governing table to help shape economic policies with sound and rational solutions. I’m excited to have WPLN as a partner while I take on this incredible opportunity and challenge,” said Renee Amar, Executive Director of Louisiana Women Lead.

“There has long been a need for state resources that offer in-person training and mentor support for women seeking to hold public office, and who identify as right of center in their principles.  It’s no secret that women remain underrepresented in political leadership, especially center-right women.  Our hope is that through our work, more women from all walks of life will have access to the tools they need to step into leadership positions,” said Larissa Martinez, Co-Founder & Executive Director of WPLN.

WPLN, a nonpartisan organization, is the first of its kind on the center-right and seeks to level the playing field across the political divide by actively focusing on women who believe in commonsense, pragmatic public policy solutions. WPLN chose to make these inaugural grants in conjunction with the Centennial of the 19th Amendment celebrated this month.  Through its growing network of partners, including Louisiana Women Lead in Louisiana, and a rich offering of online resources, WPLN is pursuing its mission of bringing more voices to the table, equipping commonsense, pragmatic women to enter public office.

For more information visit www.womenspublicleadership.net

Louisiana Women Lead was formed in 2020 to engage more center-right women in politics. Lead’s goal is to increase the number of  women elected or appointed to leadership positions in Louisiana by breaking down barriers, creating a statewide network and providing tools to give women a leg up when running for or being appointed to office.

Louisiana Women Lead is a non-profit organization organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent provided by law.